Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What You Need to Know Before You Register Your New Domain

Planning a website before you actually begin constructing the page is hands down the best way to ensure the site's future success and high search engine page rank. By considering SEO practices through every stage of the planning, design and construction processes, you will make building your site's page rank easier and more effective. You'll also prevent yourself from having to backtrack and redo work later because you did not properly optimize an element for search engine use.

The following steps will help you SEO your new site from day one.

1. Determine your keywords.

The first thing you do - before you even pick your new domain name - is to conduct a keyword study and select the keywords and keyword phrases you want your site to rank for on the search engines. If you are a graphic designer in Buffalo, New York, you'll most likely want to rank for "graphic designer Buffalo New York," "hire a graphic designer Buffalo New York," "Buffalo graphic designer," and other similar terms (such as those incorporating your zip code and various abbreviations of the state).

2. Choose your domain name.

Your domain name can significantly boost your chances of ranking for a competitive term. Rather than making your site name something catchy or using your corporate identity, consider purchasing a keyword optimized domain. For example, the domain will help the professional above rank for much-desired keyword phrases more than a name like

3. Optimize on-site elements.

Once you have your keywords and a domain registered, you can begin optimizing behind the scenes elements of your website. Things like title tags, meta tags, and other invisible elements will make a significant difference in your ability to improve the website's page rank in the search engines.

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