Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Strategic Domain Name Could Increase Traffic to Your Website

The internet is a virtual world in its own right, with its own communities and its own businesses. An online business' domain name, therefore, is its personalised identity tag as far as the rest of the online world is concerned. Choosing the right one is critical and can determine to a large extent, the amount of traffic to your website and by default how many conversions you can expect.

Many businesses believe that an attractive website design, interesting and informative content on the website and a product that is of benefit to the target customer are all they really need to start making a profit. This is a grave misconception as most traffic to websites these days is via various search engines, primarily Google. Domain names need to be created keeping search engine optimization in mind. Keywords that target customers might type in to their search engine, key attributes of your website or the services you offer, and of course, the business you are in, are all to be considered before a final decision is taken as to the domain name of a website.

It is also a good idea to maintain the standard .com at the end of your domain name rather than something like .au or .biz. This is because most people are used to the internet being associated with .com rather than an other potential ends to domain names and chances are they will use the .com at the end of most domain names if they are not aware or forget that your domain name does not include a .com.

Also advisable, are shorter rather than longer domain names. Potential problems that could arise from using longer domain names include customers forgetting the complete domain name of your website or misspelling it, neither of which could possibly help bring your business more traffic.

Avoid using hyphens or numbers as part of your domain name. Using them will only make your domain name seem like an imitation. Also, hyphens and numbers are easy to forget.

Finally, look at the domain names competitors in the same market space are using and the kind of success they are having in terms of traffic and conversions. Take what you learn and use it to your advantage when crating your own websites domain name.

Ruslan Tesliavych is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Ruslan and his team have assisted hundreds of people, from doctors and lawyers to high-school drop-outs and single parents in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Ruslan, visit:

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