Saturday, November 8, 2014

Solved Quiz No. CSC 447 Enterprise Systems Development

Virtual Campus
Solved Quiz No. CSC 447 Enterprise Systems Development
Question No. 1. The system requirements Defination document is also known as?
Answer:- ( B) User reqirments document
Question  No. 02.  The system requirements definition document defines the ?
Answer : ( B ). High Level system requirements.
Question No. 03:  Software requirements specification (SRS) is also called?
Answer: - ( B ) Design Specification.
Question No. 4.  RUP stands for?
Answer:-  (B) Rational Unified Process.
Question No. 05. Activity Diagrams are used to model which aspects of a system?
Answer:- (B). Dynamic Aspects.
Question No. 6. Narrative Description of domain processes in a structured prose format is known as?
Answer:- (C). Use Case.
Question No. 07. A specific sequence of actions and interactions between actors and system?
Answer:- (D) Scenario
Question No. 08. The Model which shows an abstraction of the conceptual classes is known as?
Answer:- (B). Domain Model.
Question No.09.  UML stands for :
Answer:- (A) Unified modeling language.
Question No.10.  Attributes are simple_______?
Answer :- (D) Data Types.

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