Saturday, November 8, 2014

Solved Quiz No. 02 EEE440 Computer Architecture

Virtual Campus
Solved Quiz No. 02 EEE440 Computer Architecture
Question No. 1. Temporary Suspension of CPU execution and use this time to send information on bus is called
Answer:-  A.
Question  No. 02.  Bus are categorized in
Answer : ( B ). 03 types.
Question No. 03:  Purpose of Program counter is hold the address of the instruction.
Answer: - ( B ) to be executed next.
Question No. 4.  A component of computer system that executes programs and controls operation of the other subsystem is called.
Answer:-  (D) CPU
Question No. 05. Program to be executed must be present in
Answer:- (E). Memory Unit.
Question No. 6. A device used to connect a peripheral device to bus in called.
Answer:- (D). Interface.
Question No. 07. The bus connected between the CPU and main memory that permits transfer of information between main memory and CPU
Answer:- (B) Memory Bus
Question No. 08. Which of the following registers represent set of general purpose registers.
Answer:- (D). Register File.
Question No.09.  Program counter is :
Answer:- (A) Register.
Question No.10.  In three bus architecture number temporary register was
Answer :- (E) 0

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