Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Domain Name - 3 Important Reasons Why a Keyword-Rich Domain Name Will Improve Your SEO

Choosing a domain name is an important step in the process of creating an effective online business. Some small business owners don't realize all of the ways that a domain name can really improve the success you see with your website. However, the truth is that a high quality, keyword rich domain name can improve your success a great deal, most importantly within the search engine rankings.

Here are 3 important reasons to remember for why a keyword rich domain name will improve your overall online success and your search engine rankings.

1. Website - niche relationship. A keyword-rich domain name is the best way to show your visitors that your website and your niche are related. You have to appear as relevant and closely correlated to your niche in order to show up in search results for queries related to it. You can give yourself an extra boost in that direction by including a primary keyword in your domain name, and you'll have a much easier time aligning your website with the niche you are targeting.

2. Serves as a signpost. Some people seem to forget that your domain name is basically a signpost for your business. If you were a traditional brick and mortar business you would have a sign out on the road telling people who you are and what you offer. For the online business, this is what your domain name does so by including keywords will make it serve as a signpost, alerting people about what you do and what you offer.

3. Helps to recruit visitors. An important part of online business development is recruiting visitors to your website. After all, no matter how great your website is and no matter how great your company or your product is, if people don't get a chance to see for themselves then they will never know and you'll never earn any money. But with a keyword rich domain name you are going to be actively recruiting people to your website by showcasing what you have to offer and what they can expect to see once they click on your link.

Do you want to learn more about creating and developing an online business, especially if you're a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design. Download it free here: Basics of Website Creation.

Want to learn how to create and develop you website for your online business, especially if you are a newbie? Find out more here:

Sharon and Larry Zolna are dynamic coaches and online mentors. They have over 125 articles in print and offer 1-on-1 as well as group coaching classes. For more information about coaching, please contact us

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