Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Making Money With Internet Domain Names

Can you really make money selling online website address names? The Internet real estate business is a booming one. There are a lot of ways you can make money through ownership of hot domain names. They can be for sale on many online websites. Some come with content and monetization already done and some are just the name of a site that could be in demand for many reasons. Because there are only so many .com possibilities for short and memorable websites that are related to specific hot niches, owning a name someone else wants could put you in a great position. Some URL names go for big bucks on the online domain auction circuit. Not only is URL ownership potentially lucrative if you're planning to sell the name only but it can be a great thing if you're flipping a ready-made site as well.

Site Flipping

Many online entrepreneurs take a simple website and sell it for a tidy profit. Why? They buy a great domain name, do some keyword research, write (or purchase) some content, and then put the site up for sale. They might monetize it and let it build decent search engine rankings first in order to increase the profit. The great thing is that these online entrepreneurs can make money while they wait to sell the site. Many make the money they spent back quickly and then sell the website for a great profit.

Domain Parking

Parking a domain is like putting it on hold. You don't have to develop a website straight away, you can simply buy the domain name and park it until you're ready to do something with it. That something might be to sell it, or to develop your own website. A domain parking company can help you monetize it so that you're making money while the site sits through advertisements. Some will also act as brokers and if someone wants to purchase that site, the sale will be facilitated for you. For the low cost of domain registration, this kind of thing can be quite profitable. Not every domain you register is going to pay big money but once you begin to learn about the industry, you can increase the chances of turning a profit.

There's a lot of potential when you own online real estate. Buying and selling domains, domain parking, and site flipping are big business. And, learning about registering the right domain name for your industry can also increase the chance of your website being found. Whether you're starting an online business or wanting to promote your offline business on the internet, knowing the ins and outs of URL name registration can be important to getting found and getting remembered by prospective customers.

There is a lot to be learned such as: naming conventions, best places to register your name, cheap registrars, anonymity (WHOIS), and more secrets to making money this way. You'll find a wealth of information online as well as some service businesses who are willing to help you. A little research before making a move goes a long way!

Want to learn about making money with domains? Learn more about sedo domain and parking services, by visiting

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