Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Domain Name - 3 Important Benefits When You Include Your Main Keyword in Your Domain Name

The importance of your domain name cannot be overstressed and including keywords in your domain name is really becoming essential in terms of effective online business development these days. There are many different benefits that you'll be able to see, and you'll be able to rise in the search engines much more efficiently and effectively with a keyword rich domain name in place.

Here are 3 important benefits you get when you include one of your main keywords in your domain name:

1. Targeting your market. With the right domain name in place you will have a better chance at targeting the market you are seeking with your online business. If you include a location or a specific component of your product or service in your domain, you'll be able to target the appropriate people more effectively within the search engines.

2. Added relevancy. In the battle to gain a top ranking in the search engines you need many things to go in your favor. The more relevant your online business is, the quicker you will gain prominence in the search engines. Including one of your primary keywords in your domain name is a great way to gain relevancy for your website.

3. Stopping the competition. The bottom line is that if your website doesn't grab up a premier domain name featuring one of your primary keywords your competition will. It's just going to be another barrier that you're going to have to climb, and another disadvantage working against your plans for successful online business development. Don't let the competition gain the upper hand, pick a domain name that includes your primary keyword.

Do you want to learn more about creating and developing an online business, especially if you're a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design.

Download it free here: Basics of Website Creation

Want to learn how to create and develop you website for your online business, especially if you are a newbie? Find out more here:

Sharon and Larry Zolna are dynamic coaches and online mentors. They have over 125 articles in print and offer 1-on-1 as well as group coaching classes. For more information about coaching, please contact us

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