Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Business Opportunity - Importance of Choosing the Right Domain Name

Your business opportunity requires a suitable domain name as a vital component for the brand management strategy and the future success of your business opportunity. A unique domain name will help you establish a strong identity in the virtual world.

Your domain name is the website address that internet users and your business prospects type into the browser window in order to visit your corresponding website to access your service and/or products.

The domain name can be a word or a phrase related to the content of the website. A poor website name will hamper traffic, branding and popularity of your home based business.

The following factors must be considered when choosing the most appropriate domain name.

• A domain name could be the registered name of the business opportunity.
• An obscure name that is unrelated to content and your business idea negatively affects net sales by diverting customer prospects to incorrect websites.
• The name should easily reflect the business and the website content to increase recall potential with memory for customers.
• It should be related to the brand name of your home based business opportunity. The advertising or marketing name of your domain needs to be easily remembered by customers.

Decisive Factors:

• A short domain name is better because it is easier to remember and more comfortable to recall thereby, less prone to typos.
• Long names relative to your business or website content are better than unrelated random letters for your domain name. There is no hook to aid in the user's memory.
• A sensible combination of letters is best for short domain names. The letters should be associated with your website content, not just random letters and/or numbers.
• Long meaningful domain names in relation to brand and website content grab higher rankings with search engine results. However, keep in mind that very long domain names should be avoided as it can get cumbersome to type on the address bar.

Strong Unique Name:

• The inclusion of hyphens with domain names is not recommended as it affects the way the name would be verbally communicated. The failure to type out hyphens with the website name can direct visitors to unrelated web pages. However hyphenated domain names might find higher ratings with search engine results.
• A good domain name idea can be created by shuffling a few words or phrases that best describe your business idea. They could also be paired up with prefixes and suffixes to form a unique strong domain name.

To Adapt and Optimize:

• Copyright infringement must be checked before purchasing a domain name.
• Roman numerals and numbers should be avoided as these create a greater susceptibility to confusion and errors.
• Keyword optimization of domain name can help with search engine optimization (SEO) results.
• Availability of domain names must be checked out before moving towards registration.
• Business ventures that cater with products directed to local community markets should stick to appropriate country specific domains.

As the Proprietor of a home based business you must get a domain name before setting up your website to ensure that the domain name is consistent and relative to the website content. If you set up your website prior to getting a domain name, you may find that a suitable, relevant domain name may not be available which may cause you to go back and redesign your website. This could be disastrous and will cause you a lot of extra time consuming work.

James Otto Gray
(503) 559-3790
Skype Me: daddygraywolf

Online Home Based Business Coach and Health and Wellness Consultant provides you with specific techniques and strategies to help you succeed in your personal Health, Wellness and Wealth Program.

Learn the real truth about how to improve your Health, Wellness and Wealth status with my unique online Internet Business Opportunity; make money online; find out why you should stop wasting time and investment capital with the get rich quick programs that are designed to take your money. If a Business Opportunity is what you are exploring, visit our web site for further information.

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