Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Domain Names - 3 Remarkable Tips Why Domain Names Are Important With Search Engines

When you're ready to start developing your online business, there are many different factors you have to consider. Of course you want to rank as highly in the search engine as you possibly can. That's why you need to begin your efforts all the way in the beginning when you're searching for the best domain name for your company.

Here are 3 remarkable tips why domain names are important in order to be ranked highly in the search engines.

1. Adding your main keywords. You can use your domain name to instantly gain relevancy for your main keywords. It's a great opportunity to immediately signal the search engines about the content on your website. You'll have a leg up over other websites who don't have keywords in their domain name.

2. Using LSI. LSI refers to latent semantic indexing, and it's the process of using synonyms and related words in place or in connection with keywords directly related to your niche. The search engines now give a good deal of credit to LSI and therefore loading up your domain with related terms to your niche or industry is a great place to begin.

3. Decrease your bounce rate. The bounce rate on your website is the percentage of people that click onto your site and then leave without visiting any other pages. The higher your bounce rate, the more your website comes off as not being relevant and you can be penalized in the search engines. However, with a domain name that includes keywords, people will know what your website is about and will therefore be less likely to fall into the "bounce" category.

Do you want to learn more about creating and developing an online business, especially if you're a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design.

Download it free here: Basics of Website Creation. Want to learn how to create and develop you website for your online business, especially if you are a newbie? Find out more here:

Sharon and Larry Zolna are dynamic coaches and online mentors. They have over 125 articles in print and offer 1-on-1 as well as group coaching classes. For more information about coaching, please contact us

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