Saturday, November 8, 2014

Solved Quiz No. CSc 373

Virtual Campus

Solved Quiz No. CSc 373
Question No. 1. Display monitors, printers and plotters are examples of ______
Answer:-  (B ) Output devices.
Question  No. 02.  The machines used by people to run specific tasks such as running network or internet application are___________.
Answer : ( C ). Servers.
Question No. 03:  The ______ acts as an intermediary between hardware and application programs.
Answer: - ( D ) Operating system.
Question No. 4.  What concept is associated with increasing the functionality of the main memory?
Answer:-  (C) Virtual Memory.
Question No. 05.  Software used to solve a unique or specific problem that is usually built in-house is called_____________.
Answer:- (B). Proprietary software.
Question No. 6. A program to detect and eliminate viruses is an example of what type of software?
Answer:- (C). Utility Software.
Question No. 07. The class of application software that helps groups work  together and collaborate is called __________.
Answer:- (B) Workgroup application software.
Question No. 08. In ____________ geographically remote computers are connected together to form a single network to create a virtual super  computer.
Answer:- (D). Grid computing.
Question No.09.  On demand self services and rapid elasticity of usage computer resources are the characteristics of __________.
Answer:- (A) Cloud computing.
Question No.10.  Software that is free and modifiable is _________.
Answer :- (C) Open Sources software.

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