Wednesday, July 29, 2009

.MOBI - Is it For Real?

My first guess was no, .Mobi was just another generic domain and nothing special. Approved by ICANN in 2005, it was hyped as a top level domain (TLD) dedicated to delivering the Internet to the mobile web. As near as I could tell, the only thing that set it apart from any other TLD was the tendency of an observer to immediately associate any domain in front of the extension with mobility and thus the mobile web. Ok, .Mobi said mobility. Big deal! .Com said Commercial and .Org said organization and you could still use all three interchangeably if you so desired.

There was talk that some of the big mobile operators would facilitate .Mobi domains when they encountered them. Apple and Vodafone were rumored to view .Mobi as mobile by default allowing for quicker and more accurate rendering on cell phones and PDAs. Admittedly that bit of digital bias might make a difference--if it were true. But some observers still claimed they couldn't detect a difference in sites rendered in both .Com or .Mobi. And, since regardless of entry portal, most people thought .Com first, might not any slight increase in speed and accuracy be rendered insignificant by the greater number of searchers looking for .Coms instead of .Mobis? In fact, most people going online with computers wouldn't give .Mobi so much as a thought.

What I didn't realize was that .Mobi had some almost fanatical support within the industry and the mobile-web culture itself. It's not just the financial support .Mobi gets from heavyweights like Google, Microsoft and Nokia (although that did impress me), its the impassioned following it has from seemingly innumerable nameless fans. Don't take my word for it, do some searching with .Mobi as the keyword and check it out; questioning the efficacy of .Mobi makes some web inhabitants downright angry.

That kind of support has kept .Mobi alive during the lean years and the lean years may be over. Last year for the first time there were more people accessing the web through mobile means (cell phones, PDAs, etc.) than through conventional computers. While the older generic TLDs still have the lead, it can't be long before that critical mass of mobile portals has an effect on .Mobi. With the passage of time it is no small thing any longer that .Mobi associates so easily with mobile.

Mike Nardine operates and learned everything he knows about business, domains, and websites the hard way.

Domain Name Selection - Choosing a Domain Name For Your Firm's Website

Choosing a domain name is one of the most important decisions you will make when starting up your law firm's website. Domain names are considered to be pieces of Intellectual Property and are highly valued. Prices for domain names range from very inexpensive to register to millions of dollars to purchase from a previous owner, if the website name is in high demand.

There are a few important points to consider when choosing the right domain name for your law firm. The most important is that the more relevant website names that are registered to a single firm, the better. The first domain names a law firm should register are its full name (, a hyphenated name (, and an abbreviated name ( or

Then any major practice areas should be considered (, in addition to website names that contain any other keyword phrases (, If a firm is successful at getting good domain names, success with search engine traffic should follow.

It would probably be too expensive to register a great number of website names, as there is yearly maintenance costs associated with them. 3 to 5 domain names should be appropriate for most firms.

The reason why you need so many domain names is simple, it minimizes competition and that are similar to the name of your firm and its purpose allows you to control the content in those domains, another firm cannot come along and use anything similar to your name. In addition, if a user types something wrong, they will probably still get to where they want to go; your site.

If,,,, and all point to the same site, even without the site name in front of them, a user who wanted to contact Everett Law would have a pretty good chance of guessing the right web address. Even though this doesn't increase search engine ranking, it does discourage competition and help increase traffic, both of which are very desirable effects.

Your firm should consider registering a .org, .net or other gTLD website name only if the available name is short and to the point. is far more desirable than and should be registered immediately

The cost of a domain name varies. A lot of small domain companies register new names for as little as $5 or $10 dollars. It is possible to find a good deal and get consistent service from your domain registrar.

So, get as many domain names as you can buy and will be able to maintain that are relevant or specific to your firm. By doing this you will lessen your competition and increase traffic to your site, both of which mean more business for you.

Law Firm Marketing
Lawyers Court is a full service Web Development and Internet Marketing Company that focuses on the needs of the Legal Community. We can help your law firm with creating a new website, redesigning an existing site, creating flash animation logos, optimizing the firms site for the search engines, setting up pay per click accounts at Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN adcenter and more! See more on Legal Marketing.

What a Domain Name Is and Why You Need One in Your Online Business

Owning your own domain name is crucial for self-branding. You are constantly being judged and compared to other marketers. Prospects are naturally more attracted to leaders and want to work with winners. This is where registering your own domain name is important.

There are 3 basic reasons to own a domain name:

1) Increased professionalism
2) More professional email addresses
3) The ability to 'Redirect' to any of your websites

Not having a domain name can hurt your professional image. Registering one is the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to present yourself as a leader. It will ensure that your prospects make it to your site instead of someone else's. Most prospects are unsure about joining your program or home business opportunity, but they will be more likely to join you if you appear to know what you are doing and can exhibit confidence and leadership.

Your email address also reflects your professionalism. If you were a prospect and had two choices, who would you pick? (just examples) skiptomylou or lou

Of course you would choose the second one! It is obviously more professional looking! With your domain name, you can also create several more addresses, such as help@, support@, etc. You will appear to be well organized and dependable.

Finally, if you have an affiliate website, your link will be long and hard to remember. Choose a domain name that is easier to remember, and then 'Redirect' it to the affiliate link. 'Redirects' are done at the same site you purchased your name. Using your Domain in advertising will also protect you from your affiliate ID being stolen. Sometimes, potential prospects have been known to see an affiliate link, leave off the ID and go directly to the site! Guess what? You just lost a prospect!

Consider 'masking' your redirected domain name. This will hide the actual site your prospects are visiting and further protect you. Be careful 'masking' affiliate sites. This will make tracking more difficult, and you may not get credit for a sale!

If you are serious about success and your online presence, your domain name will set you above all the others who are NOT using one! There are many places to buy a name, just go to Google (or a search site of your choice) 'domain names'! Good luck out there!

Hi! I've been a happily divorced, single mom of two wonderful boys since 1994. I had to end my 25 year cherished career in the Radiology Profession after I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I specialized in Mammography and CT scans.

I have 3 Pugs, whom I adore! My sons and I enjoy taking them outdoors fishing with us. They love it. We all enjoy music, movies and books. My oldest Pug is a serious music lover!

I am unable to sit and do nothing, so I researched everything I could given my Physical condition. I found the Internet world and never looked back! Now I work at home in my underwear!

4 Rules For Choosing a Great Domain Name

You have decided to buy a domain name, now what? First, go look up 'domain names' on Google (or a search site of your choice). There are several places to register one. Some offer better deals than others, so check them all out. Next, just follow these 4 basic rules:

1) Keep It Simple - Find a domain name that is

a) easy to say
b) easy to spell and
c) easy to remember.

2) Register Plural and Hyphenated Versions - Also register all the DOTS to help capture anyone who might misspell the domain name, and also helps protect you from competition of domain names similar to yours.

3) Use The Top Keywords In The Domain Name Itself - Search engines give high relevance to sites with the top keywords in the domain. Also consider registering a 'generic' one. If you happen to change businesses, then the domain name specific to that first business is no longer useful.

You should ALWAYS register a 'generic' domain name for use in your email address. You can keep it forever, no matter what business you are in. Using variations of your own name is good in the 'generic' domain name choice.

4) Pay Attention To Phonics - Try not to use numbers unless you can register both the numeric and alphabetical versions. Sometimes, you might give your domain name verbally without having time to explain, for example, if someone hears '4' and writes down 'four'. They will not find you.

You might also consider a web hosting account. Be unique and show your own style!

If you are serious about your business and want to be taken seriously, then give great consideration to the domain name(s) you choose and how you present yourself. It can literally be the difference between success and failure!

Hi! I've been a happily divorced, single mom of two wonderful boys since 1994. I had to end my 25 year cherished career in the Radiology Profession after I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I specialized in Mammography and CT scans. I have 3 Pugs, whom I adore! My sons and I enjoy taking them outdoors fishing with us. They love it. We all enjoy music, movies and books. My oldest Pug is a serious music lover!

I am unable to sit and do nothing, so I researched everything I could given my Physical condition. I found the Internet world and never looked back! Now I work at home in my underwear!

A Strategic Domain Name Could Increase Traffic to Your Website

The internet is a virtual world in its own right, with its own communities and its own businesses. An online business' domain name, therefore, is its personalised identity tag as far as the rest of the online world is concerned. Choosing the right one is critical and can determine to a large extent, the amount of traffic to your website and by default how many conversions you can expect.

Many businesses believe that an attractive website design, interesting and informative content on the website and a product that is of benefit to the target customer are all they really need to start making a profit. This is a grave misconception as most traffic to websites these days is via various search engines, primarily Google. Domain names need to be created keeping search engine optimization in mind. Keywords that target customers might type in to their search engine, key attributes of your website or the services you offer, and of course, the business you are in, are all to be considered before a final decision is taken as to the domain name of a website.

It is also a good idea to maintain the standard .com at the end of your domain name rather than something like .au or .biz. This is because most people are used to the internet being associated with .com rather than an other potential ends to domain names and chances are they will use the .com at the end of most domain names if they are not aware or forget that your domain name does not include a .com.

Also advisable, are shorter rather than longer domain names. Potential problems that could arise from using longer domain names include customers forgetting the complete domain name of your website or misspelling it, neither of which could possibly help bring your business more traffic.

Avoid using hyphens or numbers as part of your domain name. Using them will only make your domain name seem like an imitation. Also, hyphens and numbers are easy to forget.

Finally, look at the domain names competitors in the same market space are using and the kind of success they are having in terms of traffic and conversions. Take what you learn and use it to your advantage when crating your own websites domain name.

Ruslan Tesliavych is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Ruslan and his team have assisted hundreds of people, from doctors and lawyers to high-school drop-outs and single parents in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Ruslan, visit:

Identifying Expired Domain Buyers - Tips and Ideas (Part I)

There was a time in the past, when people would flaunt their visiting cards with their flashy addresses and telephone numbers. However, the present trend is of people flashing their web addresses to their friends, colleagues and business partners. Of late, people from all spectrum of life are opting for web portals to give out information and details to others. Buying domain names is the latest trend among people. People buy domain names for personal uses, while businesses buy them to carry out different types of business operations. People may buy and register domain names by creating their own URLs. However, many business entrepreneurs also buy expired domains to set up online business ventures.

Selling expired domain names is actually difficult considering the stiff competition that exists among domain traders. First, you may never know the personal preferences of people who are looking for expired domain names. People have varied needs and requirements for expired domain names. You may wish to know for what purposes, uses people buy, and use expired domain names. Here are some general tips and ideas:

You can classify expired domains under two broad categories depending on the uses and purposes. Under general circumstances, people may buy expired domain names either for non-profit or personal uses, or for business and for uses of profit.

Expired domain buyers for non-profit and personal uses:

A number of non-profits and charitable organizations keep looking for good domains expired and buy them for their charitable activities. These organizations would need domain names that match the objectives and goals of their charity. On the other hand, millions of people also buy expired domains for personal purposes. Someone may need an expired web domain just to publish family photographs, while others may want to buy them to print personal blogs. The most essential thing for these people is to make a connection with their friends and family members.


Most people under these categories look for expired domains that end with .org or .info extensions.

These domains are actually cheaper and people, who look for such domains have a severe budgetary constraint.

These domains are difficult to sell as people tend to register fresh domains

Finding out an expired domain buyer for this category is actually very easy. People who look for these categories of names are very choosy and specific, as they would need only a specific type of name. Once you segregate these names and list them, you can contact them with your best prices. Make sure that you are offering something that is useful to your personal customers. Non-profits are very specific, because they want web domains based on particular keywords. On the other hand, people who buy personal domains are easy to handle and manage. You can even offer an extra, free expired domain as a gift, when they buy a domain at a profitable rate. Mixing your expired domain portfolio with personal and non-profit type of domains may offer you a streamlined business with varied options and choices.

John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is also the owner of the path breaking web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.

Domain Name Idea Generators

Are you looking for a domain name for a new web site? Sometimes it can be quite a struggle to find a suitable available domain name, especially a dot com name, for a new web site or business venture. The reason is that domain names are, generally speaking, registered on a first come first served basis - the first person to register any particular name continues to hold it until they either transfer the name to somebody else, or they fail to pay the renewal fees on that domain. Of course, what this means is many of the most obvious domain names (such as most English words followed by dot com) have been registered a long time ago and are no longer available.

However there is no need to get disheartened. Just because the all obvious domain names may be taken, this does not mean that all the good domain names are taken. Not by a long chalk. The key is to be incentive, flexible and be prepared to consider alternatives. Don't listen to people who tell you that only the most obvious domain name will do - remember sites like and have been successful even though (perhaps because?) they were not called something obvious like Indeed, a clever domain name may even be an advantage, as it allows you to build a unique and distinctive brand identity around it.

So how do you find a clever domain name? There are really two parts to it - namely, you and your domain search tools. As far as you are concerned, you need to think laterally and be open-minded (using a thesaurus can also help!). As far search tools are concerned, you should look a online domain name suggestion tools - there are quite a number of web sites that offer them for free - you enter a keyword (remember to use the thesaurus!), and perhaps select a theme, and the suggestion tool will propose names based on your input.

What You Need to Know Before You Register Your New Domain

Planning a website before you actually begin constructing the page is hands down the best way to ensure the site's future success and high search engine page rank. By considering SEO practices through every stage of the planning, design and construction processes, you will make building your site's page rank easier and more effective. You'll also prevent yourself from having to backtrack and redo work later because you did not properly optimize an element for search engine use.

The following steps will help you SEO your new site from day one.

1. Determine your keywords.

The first thing you do - before you even pick your new domain name - is to conduct a keyword study and select the keywords and keyword phrases you want your site to rank for on the search engines. If you are a graphic designer in Buffalo, New York, you'll most likely want to rank for "graphic designer Buffalo New York," "hire a graphic designer Buffalo New York," "Buffalo graphic designer," and other similar terms (such as those incorporating your zip code and various abbreviations of the state).

2. Choose your domain name.

Your domain name can significantly boost your chances of ranking for a competitive term. Rather than making your site name something catchy or using your corporate identity, consider purchasing a keyword optimized domain. For example, the domain will help the professional above rank for much-desired keyword phrases more than a name like

3. Optimize on-site elements.

Once you have your keywords and a domain registered, you can begin optimizing behind the scenes elements of your website. Things like title tags, meta tags, and other invisible elements will make a significant difference in your ability to improve the website's page rank in the search engines.

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Domain Names - 3 Remarkable Tips Why Domain Names Are Important With Search Engines

When you're ready to start developing your online business, there are many different factors you have to consider. Of course you want to rank as highly in the search engine as you possibly can. That's why you need to begin your efforts all the way in the beginning when you're searching for the best domain name for your company.

Here are 3 remarkable tips why domain names are important in order to be ranked highly in the search engines.

1. Adding your main keywords. You can use your domain name to instantly gain relevancy for your main keywords. It's a great opportunity to immediately signal the search engines about the content on your website. You'll have a leg up over other websites who don't have keywords in their domain name.

2. Using LSI. LSI refers to latent semantic indexing, and it's the process of using synonyms and related words in place or in connection with keywords directly related to your niche. The search engines now give a good deal of credit to LSI and therefore loading up your domain with related terms to your niche or industry is a great place to begin.

3. Decrease your bounce rate. The bounce rate on your website is the percentage of people that click onto your site and then leave without visiting any other pages. The higher your bounce rate, the more your website comes off as not being relevant and you can be penalized in the search engines. However, with a domain name that includes keywords, people will know what your website is about and will therefore be less likely to fall into the "bounce" category.

Do you want to learn more about creating and developing an online business, especially if you're a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design.

Download it free here: Basics of Website Creation. Want to learn how to create and develop you website for your online business, especially if you are a newbie? Find out more here:

Sharon and Larry Zolna are dynamic coaches and online mentors. They have over 125 articles in print and offer 1-on-1 as well as group coaching classes. For more information about coaching, please contact us

Making Money With Internet Domain Names

Can you really make money selling online website address names? The Internet real estate business is a booming one. There are a lot of ways you can make money through ownership of hot domain names. They can be for sale on many online websites. Some come with content and monetization already done and some are just the name of a site that could be in demand for many reasons. Because there are only so many .com possibilities for short and memorable websites that are related to specific hot niches, owning a name someone else wants could put you in a great position. Some URL names go for big bucks on the online domain auction circuit. Not only is URL ownership potentially lucrative if you're planning to sell the name only but it can be a great thing if you're flipping a ready-made site as well.

Site Flipping

Many online entrepreneurs take a simple website and sell it for a tidy profit. Why? They buy a great domain name, do some keyword research, write (or purchase) some content, and then put the site up for sale. They might monetize it and let it build decent search engine rankings first in order to increase the profit. The great thing is that these online entrepreneurs can make money while they wait to sell the site. Many make the money they spent back quickly and then sell the website for a great profit.

Domain Parking

Parking a domain is like putting it on hold. You don't have to develop a website straight away, you can simply buy the domain name and park it until you're ready to do something with it. That something might be to sell it, or to develop your own website. A domain parking company can help you monetize it so that you're making money while the site sits through advertisements. Some will also act as brokers and if someone wants to purchase that site, the sale will be facilitated for you. For the low cost of domain registration, this kind of thing can be quite profitable. Not every domain you register is going to pay big money but once you begin to learn about the industry, you can increase the chances of turning a profit.

There's a lot of potential when you own online real estate. Buying and selling domains, domain parking, and site flipping are big business. And, learning about registering the right domain name for your industry can also increase the chance of your website being found. Whether you're starting an online business or wanting to promote your offline business on the internet, knowing the ins and outs of URL name registration can be important to getting found and getting remembered by prospective customers.

There is a lot to be learned such as: naming conventions, best places to register your name, cheap registrars, anonymity (WHOIS), and more secrets to making money this way. You'll find a wealth of information online as well as some service businesses who are willing to help you. A little research before making a move goes a long way!

Want to learn about making money with domains? Learn more about sedo domain and parking services, by visiting

Domain Name - 3 Reasons Why You Should Have Your Main Keyword in Your Domain Name

A good domain name provides a great deal of value for your organization and there are many different reasons why this can make a difference for your online business. One of the best ways to capitalize is by placing your main keyword in the domain name itself. This can give you a head start in your quest towards successful online business development.

Here are 3 reasons why you should have your keyword in your domain name.

1. Immediate SEO. Having your keyword in your domain name is like an immediate SEO boost. You are automatically going to have an edge on other websites who do not include keywords in their domain name. The more places you can put your keywords the better, and no place is more important than your domain name because its power transfers to every page on your site.

2. Advertising. Using your keyword in your domain name is giving you an opportunity to advertise to people and entice them to click on your link. When people see what your website is all about, they will instantly give more credibility and recognition to it if it matches what they are looking for. Therefore you'll be able to drive more traffic to your site just by having your URL displayed.

3. Targeting your Audience. It's extremely important to target your audience and to attract the right kinds of people to your website. Including keywords is another easy way that you can complete this task for your online business. If your website domain is "JoesStore", nobody is going to know what your website is about. However, if your domain is "JoesDiscountTools", then people will immediately know what to expect from your site and you'll be able to target your audience far more effectively.

Do you want to learn more about creating and developing an online business, especially if you're a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design.

Download it free here: Basics of Website Creation.

Want to learn how to create and develop you website for your online business, especially if you are a newbie? Find out more here:

Sharon and Larry Zolna are dynamic coaches and online mentors. They have over 125 articles in print and offer 1-on-1 as well as group coaching classes. For more information about coaching, please contact us

Domain Name - 3 Important Reasons Why a Keyword-Rich Domain Name Will Improve Your SEO

Choosing a domain name is an important step in the process of creating an effective online business. Some small business owners don't realize all of the ways that a domain name can really improve the success you see with your website. However, the truth is that a high quality, keyword rich domain name can improve your success a great deal, most importantly within the search engine rankings.

Here are 3 important reasons to remember for why a keyword rich domain name will improve your overall online success and your search engine rankings.

1. Website - niche relationship. A keyword-rich domain name is the best way to show your visitors that your website and your niche are related. You have to appear as relevant and closely correlated to your niche in order to show up in search results for queries related to it. You can give yourself an extra boost in that direction by including a primary keyword in your domain name, and you'll have a much easier time aligning your website with the niche you are targeting.

2. Serves as a signpost. Some people seem to forget that your domain name is basically a signpost for your business. If you were a traditional brick and mortar business you would have a sign out on the road telling people who you are and what you offer. For the online business, this is what your domain name does so by including keywords will make it serve as a signpost, alerting people about what you do and what you offer.

3. Helps to recruit visitors. An important part of online business development is recruiting visitors to your website. After all, no matter how great your website is and no matter how great your company or your product is, if people don't get a chance to see for themselves then they will never know and you'll never earn any money. But with a keyword rich domain name you are going to be actively recruiting people to your website by showcasing what you have to offer and what they can expect to see once they click on your link.

Do you want to learn more about creating and developing an online business, especially if you're a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design. Download it free here: Basics of Website Creation.

Want to learn how to create and develop you website for your online business, especially if you are a newbie? Find out more here:

Sharon and Larry Zolna are dynamic coaches and online mentors. They have over 125 articles in print and offer 1-on-1 as well as group coaching classes. For more information about coaching, please contact us

Buying a Domain Name 101

Finding and buying a domain name can be daunting if you don't know much about how the internet works. Don't worry its not that complicated. You'll just need to understand a few terms and how information communicates with other information.

First you need to know what a URL is. URL stands for uniform resource locator and does just that. the URL is a uniform language that explains where you can find certain resources on the internet.

When you want to set up a website you want to make sure you get a domain name, or URL, that is relevant to the site you want to create. However because the internet is getting so competitive you can always go for something unique and then put in some branding work.

There a lot of registrars out there the most popular being You can go to this website and search for available domain names. They'll often have coupons too so make sure before you buy a domain name that you search for GoDaddy coupons. They could save you anywhere from a few bucks to $10.

Once you purchase a domain name, GoDaddy will park it on their servers until you buy hosting either from them or from someone else.

Hosting is important to understand. When you're buying a domain name you're not buying any space to upload information to. All you're getting is the unique name. You need some space to host the information you want to broadcast to the world. Godaddy offers hosting as well as a many other companies out there. I personally use because it offers good plans that fit my needs.

You'll want to determine what you want to accomplish with your website before you buy hosting so that you can get the best plan for your needs. If you just want to host a personal blog usually the cheapest option is more than sufficient as it will provide enough storage space to host the posts you write.

Buying a domain name isn't as techie as it sounds. Don't be intimidated by it.

Many hosting plans provide for the hosting of multiple domains too so if you plan on creating several websites you will need to make sure you plan provides for that. My plan currently allows me to host unlimited domains with them and this fits perfectly with my long term plans because my goal is to create a huge number of website that bring in a few dollars a month or more.

Once you decide on hosting you'll be sent an email with nameserver ID's that you'll need to point your new domain to since your hosting company and domain name registrar are different. Login to your domain registrar and go to you domains section. There should be a place where you can edit the nameservers. Just plug in your new nameservers and you're good to go!

For reviews of Thrive check out the blog, Thrive Learning Institute Review. Thrive Learning Institute Utah is a top quality coaching company that creates and deliver dynamic curriculum for the aspiring internet entrepreneur.

Domain Names and the First Man on the Moon

Finding and buying a domain name can be daunting if you don't know much about how the internet works. Don't worry its not that complicated. You'll just need to understand a few terms and how information communicates with other information.

First you need to know what a URL is. URL stands for uniform resource locator and does just that. the URL is a uniform language that explains where you can find certain resources on the internet.

When you want to set up a website you want to make sure you get a domain name, or URL, that is relevant to the site you want to create. However because the internet is getting so competitive you can always go for something unique and then put in some branding work.

There a lot of registrars out there the most popular being You can go to this website and search for available domain names. They'll often have coupons too so make sure before you buy a domain name that you search for GoDaddy coupons. They could save you anywhere from a few bucks to $10.

Once you purchase a domain name, GoDaddy will park it on their servers until you buy hosting either from them or from someone else.

Hosting is important to understand. When you're buying a domain name you're not buying any space to upload information to. All you're getting is the unique name. You need some space to host the information you want to broadcast to the world. Godaddy offers hosting as well as a many other companies out there. I personally use because it offers good plans that fit my needs.

You'll want to determine what you want to accomplish with your website before you buy hosting so that you can get the best plan for your needs. If you just want to host a personal blog usually the cheapest option is more than sufficient as it will provide enough storage space to host the posts you write.

Buying a domain name isn't as techie as it sounds. Don't be intimidated by it.

Many hosting plans provide for the hosting of multiple domains too so if you plan on creating several websites you will need to make sure you plan provides for that. My plan currently allows me to host unlimited domains with them and this fits perfectly with my long term plans because my goal is to create a huge number of website that bring in a few dollars a month or more.

Once you decide on hosting you'll be sent an email with nameserver ID's that you'll need to point your new domain to since your hosting company and domain name registrar are different. Login to your domain registrar and go to you domains section. There should be a place where you can edit the nameservers. Just plug in your new nameservers and you're good to go!

For reviews of Thrive check out the blog, Thrive Learning Institute Review. Thrive Learning Institute Utah is a top quality coaching company that creates and deliver dynamic curriculum for the aspiring internet entrepreneur.

How to Avoid Costly Mistakes When Reserving a Domain Name

What we're going to do today is talk about finding a good domain name and the reason that this is a big trouble area for a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners is they get a false sense of security because it is so easy and inexpensive to register a domain name. So what I want to do with you today is talk about some of things to look for when trying to find a good domain name.

For starters you'll want to go to Google's AdWords keyword tool and look at the search volume for some of your likely targeted keyword phrases. Obviously, you're going to start off looking for hot keywords (ones that are searched for frequently), but you also want to pay attention to the amount of competition you have for a particular keyword. You want some competition but not so much that you get buried beneath a huge pile. Some competition indicates that the keyword is likely profitable but there are still some who focus on keywords that are not profitable just because they generate a large search volume. This is a mistake because it doesn't take into account the level of competition.

Next, go to Google and do a search for the keyword phrases that you have gathered through your research and find the number of competing pages. You will see this value in the upper right corner of the search bar where it says showing results 1 to 10 of however many competing pages there are. Make note of this number. From there you can take the number of keyword searches per month and divide it by the number of competing pages. This will give you a rudimentary figure, a keyword efficiency value if you will, to base your decisions upon. This value by itself is not enough to make a complete decision because there's one more step in the process.

Once you've located about ten to fifteen popular keyword phrases that you would like to target, your next step should be to determine the profitability of those keywords by assessing commercial intent. You can find the commercial intent module through Microsoft's AdLab. While Microsoft's tool is not perfect it at least gives you a little more information from which to base a more educated decision. Multiply the commercial intent percentage to the value you derived in the previous paragraph. You may want to use a spreadsheet to help you with this as it can then sort the values from highest to lowest once you've computed everything.

Now, take your highest ranking keyword phrases and try to mix and match a few. If you can craft an easy to remember domain name out of two or three profitable keyword phrases, you will be ahead of most competitors right out of the chute. After all, the primary objective when reserving a domain name is to get discovered by a relevant target audience. Search engines will deliver a consistent and valuable targeted audience should you rank well enough for one or more of your targeted keyword phrases.

Since you have done your research, you can begin to craft a few domain names to try to register. You will also avoid many of the pitfalls and mistakes that far too many business owners have made in the past. Good luck!

Roger Bauer is the creator of the "Search Engine Ninja," a search engine optimization (SEO) training course focused on increasing sales through search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. To get 4 free introductory SEO videos, point your browser to right now.

Domain Name - 3 Incredible Advantages Why Your Main Keyword Should Be Included in Your Domain Name

If you want your website to rank highly with the search engines, then you should start at the beginning. When you first create your online business you start with a proper domain name for your website. If you want to immediately begin increasing your search engine ranking then you should include your main keyword in the domain name.

Here are 3 incredible advantages why you should have your keyword in your domain name:

1. Free Advertising. Overall, having a high quality domain name for your online business is like free advertising. Every time that someone sees your domain and sees the relevant keywords or descriptions in it, people will automatically know that much more about who you are and what you offer. Therefore, your search engine listing is more than just a link, it's an informative advertisement that will lead to more clicks.

2. Gives value to all of your pages. An important aspect of a keyword rich domain name is that it is going to assign value to each and every one of your website pages. Typically, SEO work needs to be done separately for each page. However, your domain name is omnipresent and therefore in one swoop you can help add more value and relevancy to all of your web pages without doing much work at all.

3. Get a head start on SEO. The bottom line is that choosing a keyword rich domain name for your online business is going to be the quickest way to give your company a head start on your SEO efforts. Search engine optimization can be very time confusing and challenging. You can make the process significantly easier on yourself however if you include one of your main keywords in the domain name. You'll be able to hit the ground running already know you have some solid SEO in place.

Do you want to learn more about creating and developing an online business, especially if you're a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design.

Download it free here: Basics of Website Creation

Want to learn how to create and develop you website for your online business, especially if you are a newbie? Find out more here:

Sharon and Larry Zolna are dynamic coaches and online mentors. They have over 125 articles in print and offer 1-on-1 as well as group coaching classes. For more information about coaching, please contact us

Domain Name - 3 Important Benefits When You Include Your Main Keyword in Your Domain Name

The importance of your domain name cannot be overstressed and including keywords in your domain name is really becoming essential in terms of effective online business development these days. There are many different benefits that you'll be able to see, and you'll be able to rise in the search engines much more efficiently and effectively with a keyword rich domain name in place.

Here are 3 important benefits you get when you include one of your main keywords in your domain name:

1. Targeting your market. With the right domain name in place you will have a better chance at targeting the market you are seeking with your online business. If you include a location or a specific component of your product or service in your domain, you'll be able to target the appropriate people more effectively within the search engines.

2. Added relevancy. In the battle to gain a top ranking in the search engines you need many things to go in your favor. The more relevant your online business is, the quicker you will gain prominence in the search engines. Including one of your primary keywords in your domain name is a great way to gain relevancy for your website.

3. Stopping the competition. The bottom line is that if your website doesn't grab up a premier domain name featuring one of your primary keywords your competition will. It's just going to be another barrier that you're going to have to climb, and another disadvantage working against your plans for successful online business development. Don't let the competition gain the upper hand, pick a domain name that includes your primary keyword.

Do you want to learn more about creating and developing an online business, especially if you're a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design.

Download it free here: Basics of Website Creation

Want to learn how to create and develop you website for your online business, especially if you are a newbie? Find out more here:

Sharon and Larry Zolna are dynamic coaches and online mentors. They have over 125 articles in print and offer 1-on-1 as well as group coaching classes. For more information about coaching, please contact us

Beginner's Guide to Flipping Websites

An easy yet effective way for beginners to make money online is through flipping websites. Website flipping involves creating and developing a website for the sole intention of selling it after a while. This time duration can vary from less than a week to a couple of months. Let's look at a few things that you need to keep in mind while building and selling such websites.

* Choose a niche
The first step is to choose a niche that has a lot of demand. The best way is to visit marketplaces like Webmasters Marketplace and see what's selling. Then you can choose the niche you are comfortable with. Health, sports, finance and travel generally do well. Choosing an appropriate niche is important as you don't want to develop a website that is hard to sell.

* Register a domain and webhosting account
You need to choose a domain that has the best keywords related to the niche of your website. You can choose a famous domain registrar like Godaddy, Name, etc. to register your domain. Most of these companies offer coupon codes through which you can get domains at discounted prices. You should preferably go for .com domains as these domains are valued more than .net and other domain extensions. Once you have purchased a domain name, you need to register for a webhosting account. Hostgator is a good webhosting company. Again, look for a current discount code. Choose an account that allows you to host multiple domains as you would require it in future. Once you receive the information about your hosting account through email, you should make appropriate changes to the nameservers of the domain.

* Create website
Starting a WordPress blog is the easiest way for a beginner to create a website. It doesn't require any programming skills and you can simply create a great looking website. Also, there are a lot of free templates and add-ons to choose from. You also have the option to set up your content as pages instead of posts. So, you can create a normal site as well as a blog with WordPress. It is important to create fresh content for the website as no one would purchase a website with content copied from other websites. In order to create unique content, you can take some idea from other sites on the same topic and article directories but you should present original information. You should at least add a few pages of content to the website.

* Monetization
The value of your website depends on how much money it can make for the buyer. If you have an AdSense account, you can add AdSense ads to the website. This way, you can make some money through clicks and it adds value to the site.

Basic SEO of the website is necessary as your website would not make you much money if it is not even indexed in search engines. So, you can follow some simple SEO tips like forum posting, blog commenting, social bookmarking, etc. This will also result in some backlinks and it will have positive effects at the time of selling the website.

* Selling website
You can list your website at various marketplaces for selling. Try to set a price such that it is not too high but makes you enough profit. You should also list some plus points of your website at the time of selling it so as to present a positive picture of the website.

I am sure website flipping can make you some early online money, or act as a full time money channel in the future.

Sam Seth is a search engine marketing professional for Webmasters Marketplace, the webmasters first choice venue to buy and sell websites, domains, and much more.

Your business opportunity requires a suitable domain name as a vital component for the brand management strategy and the future success of your busine

When you first decide to build a website for your business, the first natural thought is naming your website Naming your web address after your business is not always the ideal way to go. When choosing a name for your website, some of the major considerations is:

1) Knowing the purpose for building your website.
2) Finding a name that is easy to remember and easy to spell; and
3) Using a name that is easily searchable in search engines.

Let's pretend we have a business A & B's Accounting Emporium which is a business that specializes in providing accounting services to small businesses. When building a website for your business, you are making a major investment in the future marketing efforts of your business. In most cases, you will take full advantage of this investment and use it for internet marketing purposes; mainly to attract new customers. However, there are other reasons organizations build websites such as keeping in touch with existing customers, provide information only, or simply as an electronic brochure. In most cases, you will be using your website for all of these purposes. In that case, when first choosing your domain name, think from an internet marketing strategic mindset. Develop an internet marketing plan or strategy first and use your domain name as a major tool of this strategy. However, if internet marketing is not your purpose, then by all means name your site after your business, for ex. (LOL).

This leads to our next point. Find a name that is easy to remember and easy to spell. A & B's Accounting Emporium would have many customers that would not easily remember their business name (let alone web address). Everyone is not well-versed in spelling words like emporium. My suggestion would be to limit your domain name to no more than 3 words or less. It is more important to display the type of business you have or your specialty or product type than your actual business name (unless your business is WELL known like

Also, in choosing your domain name, you have the choice of .com, .net, .org, .biz, .tv, .info, etc. The most widely used of the suffixes would be .com and therefore it is the easiest suffix to remember. If you decide to name your business website "" for example. Someone may not remember the .biz part and assume the suffix is .com. You have just advertised and directed your potential customer to one of your competitors at worst case scenario or just never attained that new customer at best. Each of these suffixes traditionally had meaning and certain types of businesses choose them (sometimes today that holds true but not necessarily.)

- ".com" stands for company
- ".net" stands for network
- ".org" stands for organization (like non-profit organization)
- ".biz" stands for business
- ".tv" stands for television (like television station or television product)
- ".info" stands for information (like infomercials or informational products maybe ebooks)

If your product or business is related to the suffix it would be an ideal choice versus using the traditional .com suffix.

When creating your website, you will use keywords. Keywords are words that a potential customer may type in to find the product or service you are offering. With our fictitious business, a potential customer may type in "accounting firm" or "business accounting firm" or "small business accounting" etc into a search engine like Google. A search engine would pull up all of the websites relevant to these terms the potential customer typed in. The search engine would rank its findings by the information that is most relevant to that subject. Search engines use keywords to do this. Using a keyword in the domain name is weighed more heavily as relevant than a keyword that is just in the content. This fact alone would give you a competitive edge.

In applying all of the points above, you can see is not a good choice in naming their website. However, a better domain name for our fictitious company would be This name may or may not be available. If not, simply find a variation of the name. When coming up with a variation, do not alter the spelling because no one will search for a misspelled keyword. You may use SmallBizAccountingFirm or SmallBizAccountingOnline but in keeping with our rules it may be BusinessAccountingFirm or BusinessAccountingOnline or SBAccounting. Just remember to keep it simple!

Camille Dykes, MBA is Chief Consultant and Designer for Dykes' Webshop. She has over ten years' experience in web design and business development. Ms. Dykes seeks to give her clients quality websites that attract new customers. Make your website attract more customers with great web design

Business Opportunity - Importance of Choosing the Right Domain Name

Your business opportunity requires a suitable domain name as a vital component for the brand management strategy and the future success of your business opportunity. A unique domain name will help you establish a strong identity in the virtual world.

Your domain name is the website address that internet users and your business prospects type into the browser window in order to visit your corresponding website to access your service and/or products.

The domain name can be a word or a phrase related to the content of the website. A poor website name will hamper traffic, branding and popularity of your home based business.

The following factors must be considered when choosing the most appropriate domain name.

• A domain name could be the registered name of the business opportunity.
• An obscure name that is unrelated to content and your business idea negatively affects net sales by diverting customer prospects to incorrect websites.
• The name should easily reflect the business and the website content to increase recall potential with memory for customers.
• It should be related to the brand name of your home based business opportunity. The advertising or marketing name of your domain needs to be easily remembered by customers.

Decisive Factors:

• A short domain name is better because it is easier to remember and more comfortable to recall thereby, less prone to typos.
• Long names relative to your business or website content are better than unrelated random letters for your domain name. There is no hook to aid in the user's memory.
• A sensible combination of letters is best for short domain names. The letters should be associated with your website content, not just random letters and/or numbers.
• Long meaningful domain names in relation to brand and website content grab higher rankings with search engine results. However, keep in mind that very long domain names should be avoided as it can get cumbersome to type on the address bar.

Strong Unique Name:

• The inclusion of hyphens with domain names is not recommended as it affects the way the name would be verbally communicated. The failure to type out hyphens with the website name can direct visitors to unrelated web pages. However hyphenated domain names might find higher ratings with search engine results.
• A good domain name idea can be created by shuffling a few words or phrases that best describe your business idea. They could also be paired up with prefixes and suffixes to form a unique strong domain name.

To Adapt and Optimize:

• Copyright infringement must be checked before purchasing a domain name.
• Roman numerals and numbers should be avoided as these create a greater susceptibility to confusion and errors.
• Keyword optimization of domain name can help with search engine optimization (SEO) results.
• Availability of domain names must be checked out before moving towards registration.
• Business ventures that cater with products directed to local community markets should stick to appropriate country specific domains.

As the Proprietor of a home based business you must get a domain name before setting up your website to ensure that the domain name is consistent and relative to the website content. If you set up your website prior to getting a domain name, you may find that a suitable, relevant domain name may not be available which may cause you to go back and redesign your website. This could be disastrous and will cause you a lot of extra time consuming work.

James Otto Gray
(503) 559-3790
Skype Me: daddygraywolf

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