Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Hardest Thing is Picking a Domain Name - Isn't It?

The hardest part about building a Website is finding a domain name that has not been taken, or one that will be beneficial to your new website when the search crawlers start creeping around.

I used Go Daddy to find my website as I found it to be an easy to use site...not to mention I remember the ads from the Superbowl (ah, a lesson in marketing). On Go Daddy, you can use the "bulk register" feature and put in a whole bunch of possible domain names that you want to use. Don't get discouraged when you find out that many of the ".com" domains are taken for single words that may mean something. Just keep looking!!

After registering the domain, I did some research and found out that I needed to "host" the domain in order to put up a website. There are many hosting sites that can accomplish this (I put some links below). They range in price and range in what they offer, but looking into everything, I realized they are all pretty much the same. As with everything, price and customer service trump all!!

Next was finding a way to build a website. The great thing is, and I didn't know this until I dug deep into it, most of the website builders are very user friendly and a lot are FREE!! I used NVU, see link below. It is an open source, freeware program that is extremely easy to use.

Next I had to figure out what my business model would be. I looked at a bunch of programs that offered "Easy Money" or "Guaranteed Millions", but I knew most of them were hogwash. After reading many reviews, I narrowed my search to 2 online communities that I thought would offer some great advice. Boy was I right!!

Wealthy Affiliate was the first I looked into. I was sold on the fact that it was not just a program, but it was a community of people who could bounce things off each other. There were people who were just starting out and people who had been working online for years. The experts of the group definitely had great ideas to share for building a profitable online business.

The Rich Jerkwas one that drew me in because of the humor. I figured I could part with the $9.95 that he was charging just to get a glimpse of this guy. (A movie costs more than that now-a-days). Click the link below and you will see what I mean. Never-the-less, I found the program to be very informative and the forum to be awesome. There are a bunch of good people in there that can help a new guy or gal get started.

After reading up what to do and enlisting the help of some friendly people, I finally got my website started up. Now, I can say that I have built a business, now I need to put my skills into good use and grow the business!!

I recommend that you try putting a website together to see how easy it is for yourself!

Learn a more about how to set up your own online business at http://www.squidoo.com/passivelyretired

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