Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The First Step

Domain Name Selection

The first step in getting your online business ready to market begins begins with choosing an effective domain name.

Before you rush out and buy the first name you think of, take a moment and think about how people will search for you.

Do you have an easily recognizable, strong brand name behind you? If not,then you will want to consider high traffic keywords and phrases with a 'built in' number of searches.

Choose a domain name based on keywords that 'don't make people think' about what you do.

Your domain name should 'tell' people the theme of your website, or what you do.

When you see a domain like cars.com or beer.com, you don't have to think twice about what you will find there. You know instantly.

What is the main theme of your business?

Use online keyword tools like Free Wordtracker to find information on keyword values, how many searches are done on that certain word or phrase per day or per month depending on the tool you use.

Google has a set of excellent keyword and analytic tools you can use for free as well.

These tools are invaluable in finding the value of the words or phrase in your selected domain, or you can use them to identify potential high traffic niches with less competition, yet greater opportunities for more traffic and greater sales and more profit.

That is just some of the benefits of optimizing your domain to improve your organic search engine placements.

Think about incorporating regions or local areas into your domain name. Adding specific regions will localize your business. It is a way to expose your online business to local consumers and possible create a niche for yourself.

More people are turning to the internet rather than the 'Yellow Pages'. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and bing have noticed the trend and are putting more weight on providing regional search results.

Now people in your region will be presented with more local/regional choices depending on their search preferences.

Here is one example of make adding a region to a domain name work for you; www.windowtintpa.com. Not only does the domain name tell you what kind of product of service you will find, but it also tells you where they conduct business.

Those folks accomplished their goal - No thinking required!

Domain Registration

Now that you have selected the name you want to use for your online business, you will want to select a company to register your domain.

In most cases the only difference in the cost to register your domain name is the different service that each domain registrar may offer. Some offer package deals that include your domain registration if you also purchase one of their additional packages.

Other domain resellers offer cheap domains or free add-ons as lost leaders it gets you in the door, then try to up-sell you into more expensive packages.

A domain can cost you anywhere from FREE to about $30, so it pays to shop around and compare prices/services.

Domain Hosting

Personally, I like to buy my domains from one domain reseller and host them at a different hosting company for this reason. Not every hosting company offers the same level of domain hosting. Some companies offer only shared server types of hosting, which may fit your needs or budget and others offer more professional levels of hosting and support for the more serious online business person.

I have used both Hostgator.com and Knownhost.com. Hostgator offers basic, economical hosting and provides 24/7 online chat support and Knownhost provides several different hosting packages with 24/7 support ticket support.

Once you have your domain name selected, registered and hosted you are ready to move forward to create an outstanding Internet experience for your readers.

RH Sterling provides optimized web content, professional website promotion and Internet marketing services to small regional business in northeastern Pennsylvania. Please visit my website http://www.rhsterlingorganicseo.com for a FREE analysis of your website.

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