Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Beginners Guide - What is a Domain Name and How Do I Get One?

What is a Domain Name and how do i get one?

This may be such an easy question for people that have used the Internet before, but still I find people who just don't know.

Well my starting point to find out what a domain name is would to be use a website called wikipedia. Its basically a free encyclopedia online.

After a search for the term domain name it says the following:

A domain name is an identification label that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control in the Internet, based on the Domain Name System (DNS). Quoted from wikepedia.

Well if I had read that when i first started I wouldn't of had a clue what it was going on about. So in simple terms:

Its an Internet website address. Its what you type in in your browser address bar to visit the website that you require: Example: www. google . com

Domain names were invented to avoid having to remember a string of numbers when we want to go to a web site. . Computers that are connected to the Internet are identified by a set of numbers (an IP address) The string of numbers can be typed into your browsers address bar to visit any website but its easier to remember names rather than numbers.

Choosing the correct domain name is very important.The reason for this is you need something that relates to your website, something that's easy for your visitors to remember so they are likely to visit again. Something that will be unique to you and something that stands out.

As well as the above reasons you also need to choose carefully because of search engine optimization. I will go into SEO later but if your website domain name contains what your site relates to in its content this helps gain standing in the search engines eyes.

Everything about your domain is important:

- length - You don't want it too long that people forget it, or mistype it

- dash or no dashes - Dashes can be good to separate words but can make domains longer or mistyped.

- brand ability - Can you brand your site easily? Does it fit in with the content?

- search engine keywords - Always good to use keywords in your domain name, but its tough these days with so many Domain names already taken,

Only one person or company can own a domain name at any one time. Therefore, if you wanted the domain name www.webdesignwhim.com , its not available as I own it, you will need to either find another name that is available, or offer to buy the domain (no I'm not for sale its just an example . You could also wait for it to expire and hope they don't re-register it... but its not likely to happen or you could be waiting a long time.

You dont actually buy your chosen domain name. You register it, so its a bit like renting it Once a domain name is registered, its normally registered for one or two years but can be up to 10 years, and if locked no one else can take that particular domain name. Its your responsibility to re-register the domain name each time before it expires. If a domain name does expire it will go back onto the open market for someone else to register this. Always make sure you keep your domain name safe.

There are so many companies out there to register your chosen domain name. You can just google the following term: register a domain name

At the time of this article there are many companies offering free domain name registration when you sign up for there webhosting (which is another service you will need when getting your domain name online.

Ill go into web hosting in my next article.

* This article is written by Marie Barnes AKA Pixie of http://www.webdesignwhim.com Please do not copy our material and portray it as your own work. Feel free to post our articles but only without removing this notice and stating where you got this article from. Thank you *

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