Monday, October 5, 2009

Getting a Free Domain Name

In today's Internet scenario, every person wants to have his own web site. And when it comes to making a website, the first question that pops up in mind is what name one should give to the website. It is common tendency that the name should be short, simple and easy to remember. The site name or address is called a domain name. There are plenty of internet service providers out there who offer free domain services to its customers. You may be wondering how one can offer free domain names? But it is true. Some web companies do offer free domain name services for the promotion of their companies. The catch behind this is that they place a small add at the bottom of your site that has been hosted on the domain name service of theirs, to earn revenue.

There are subscription charges if you want to register for a free domain name on any web service provider on the internet. However, the subscription is one time only. That means, you only have to register once and you will get a domain for the rest of your life. The domain name is very different from domain hosting. Domain hosting is another thing. It is simply providing you a space on the internet where your website will be kept and fetched from, when a user requests it. The domain name is the URL address that a user types in his browser to reach to your site. The name servers resolve the free domain and then connect the request to the web hosting. The domain name you are looking for should be catchy enough for your users and easy to remember. No one remembers a long and meaningless domain name. So, the first and the foremost thing are to think of a small, simple and catchy domain name for you. The next thing includes researching and reading reviews of various domain providers on the internet. You should always do extensive research on how their services are, how their customer support is and what all kinds of services are included under the free domain name scheme of theirs.

There are many more ways by which you can get a good domain name for yourself. The first one is searching for a provider from the internet, registering for it and getting a free domain. The next best thing which you can do is to buy from an affiliate program of various domain service providers. Affiliates work on per commission basis. The last best thing that comes into consideration is to take a free domain name from a close friend or family member who is into the web design business. Normally, when a person takes a premium domain hosting plan from a company, he gets many free domains to give away as a company advertising policy. This leads to the free advertising of the parent company and services.

Abdul Salam is an expert affiliate marketer and also have great knowledge of internet business, domain names and web hosting. Find out more about best web hosting here on Read the reviews and user feedbacks about the best web hosting company.

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