Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Invest in a Web Site Flip Business

Many of the online businesses needs a cash investment to begin which is same in the case of the site flipping too. Good news is that the business of the web site flipping makes you get your investment soon.

Manual for Site Flipping:

Many of the online businesses will need some investment to start and it has same site for flipping. There are some manuals available to guide you with the basics of the building and the selling of the web sites. There are some chances that the person who has written the book would have experienced the methods before they write. You could avoid some of the costly errors. This will help you in saving the money.


You should have a hosting account which will host your web sites. You have to choose from the couple of choices that are available. One is the unlimited account where you will gain ten dollars per month. The next choice will cost you around twenty five dollars. This has an advantage of offering your customers to make additional income and you will get the hosting fees.


You should buy a domain name before buying a web site. The names will has cost variation and the info name might cost about two dollars per year to ten dollars per year. To obtain the discounts you can search for the discounts such as GoDaddy coupon codes.

Listing Fees

When you are ready to sell your web site you should pay some listings to the list the sale site. This fee depends on the list site and on also the features that is used. You can use the features the bold, highlight also home page listings and they are expensive. You can go for eBay which is the basic has some of the basic listings.


Though you may find it hard to pay the investment when you are not sure about that money back, it is important to know that there are good chances to get good money through this.

For more information about flipping websites for fast profits, visit

The Difference Between SubDomains and Add-On Domain Names Basics

Let us assume that you have a very good domain name with you. Did you ever know that you could add and compliment another domain in addition to your existing domain name? These domain names are known by the names like sub domains or add-on domains. However, they are almost like slaves to the main domains and they at under the command of the main domain name. These domains are simply the sub directories designed and added to the main domain name at the time of hosting them. This is because they do not posses their own control panels. However, such domains will have their personal index files and CGI Bin folders to help them make unique and special for your web site.

Before you create one of these sub domains and ass-on domain names, you may wish to understand the main differences between them. In fact, the only thing that is common to them is that you can add them to your main domain. They are the additional domain names that can act as subordinate to the main domain name. With an add-on domain name, it will have its own stand-alone URL after its creation. On the other hand, a sub domain is a simple URL that creates a link to the mother domain name.

Example: Add-on domain: Sub domain: Another significant difference is the cost involved in creating these domains. Add-on domain always comes with a fee attached to it while sub domains are free and you can create as many sub domains as possible with your web-hosting package. You will need to pay an annual fee to register and use an add-on domain name. Add-on domains always share your resources from your existing web-hosting package. It means that you will get additional features from an add-on domain name just like your domain name. It will also possess its own FTP link and other related utilities.

Procedure to add an add-on domain name: Initially, search for a domain name and register when you find it. Once you buy that, you can link its DNS to your web-hosting server. Once you add it to the server, log on to your account and check for its listing in the control panel. Now, fill the name of the domain and install it in the main directory. Wait until you complete the installation process.

On the other hand, you can easily create a sub domain within the main domain name directory. Sub domains are very useful if you are planning to add more web pages within the parent directory. For example, if you want to add a blog to your web site, then you can create a sub domain like You can place a link on the main page of your web site and when a user clicks on the link, he or she will navigate to the blog page. Almost all web-hosting packages provide unlimited numbers of sub domains with the purchased hosting package.

John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.

Choosing a Domain Name For Your Local Business Website

If local businesses do not have a presence on the internet, they risk losing customers to their local competitors that do have a website.

More and more consumers are first checking things out on the web before getting in their cars to visit a local business. From restaurants to cleaners, an effective marketing-focused website creates a relationship with potential and current customers.

How does a local business start getting an online presence?

In the beginning there is the name. And, of course, a local business already has a name - the one that's on the front of the business.

Yet this may NOT be the name you should get for your website. So let's talk about choosing the URL - the domain name - for your business website.

How easy or hard are you going to make it for customers or potential customers to find you on the web?

Here are some of the considerations when choosing a good domain name:

Is your business name really hard to spell? It's probably not a good idea to use your name.

Or is your business name a weird spelling of a common name? Then maybe it isn't a good idea for you to use your business name.

Is your business name so common that this isn't a good idea (for example, Smith Cleaners)?

Is the name of your local business so unmemorable that people might not remember it (for example, Best Cleaners)?

Is your already taken by someone else? If you get a .net or .net domain name, you may actually be sending people to the website of the business with that .com domain name.

What names should you consider for your business domain name? Let's say Smith's Best Cleaners is the name of your business. Imagine you get the domain name and promote this on flyers or in local ads. How memorable is this domain name going to be?

When considering what domain name to get, ask yourself: What are the most compelling attributes of my cleaning business? Do I have the lowest prices? The quickest turnaround time? The longest hours? Do I have 24-hour drop off?

Now there's a thought. What if you have or could add a 24-hour drop off service and use that concept for your website domain name? Then you could get the domain name This domain name stands out because it promises a distinctive benefit.

Of course, to protect your business name, you would also get the domain name and have this domain name redirect to You do this just in case someone who does remember your business name correctly types that name.

Yet, look at what you've done for marketing your business by choosing a compelling benefit name for your website domain name rather than your business name or a common benefit such as "best cleaners" (whatever that means - best at what? price? getting out stains?). You've started an automatic marketing campaign with a strong benefit premise that can make you stand out in your local market.

That's using the deceptively simple act of choosing a website domain name as a smart marketing technique.

Phyllis Zimbler Miller @ZimblerMiller on Twitter has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is an Internet business consultant whose company website has lots more useful advice like this. Grab her free report on "The Top 3 Internet Marketing Elements" to maximize your own Internet marketing experience - claim your report now from

How to Sell a Domain Or Website

So, you have a website or a domain you want to sell. Read this article and you will learn how to do it.

The first step in selling a website or a domain name is to check if the domain can be transferred. In certain circumstances, a domain can not be transferred for 60 days. To check whether a domain is available for transfer the best is to send an e-mail to your registrar (the company where you registered the domain).

Depending on the time you can invest in the sale you have two options to get started. The 1st one is to do it all by yourself and the 2nd one is to hire a domain name broker.

If you decide to sell it by yourself here is how to do it:

  • Search on Google for "webmasters forum" and see if the listed sites have a "buy, sell, trade" section for domains or web pages. If they do, create an account and put a message describing what you're selling. Potential customers will contact you for details.
  • List your site in as many places as possible, web directories, comments on forums or blogs, etc..
  • Depending on the available founds you can invest some money in advertising. For instance you can buy advertising on Google, the search engine itself and other sites where they sell advertising.

If you do not have the time to do all these by your self or you believe that an expert could get more on your domain, you can hire a domain broker. One of the most popular brokerage services and domains/websites auction websites is Registration is free. Sedo is the most popular site in selling/auctioning intellectual property.

PageRank Test Expired Domains Before You Buy

When looking to buy expired domains potential buyers often find it very difficult to asses the real value of the domains. In fact, judging the genuine quality of an expired domain that you are considering buying can be a hard task. However, when you understand the basics of the expired domain name industry and how it operates, you have the opportunity to make considerable income from it but always include a pagerank test before you buy.

Whether you simply want to buy a particular domain because it has become available or you want to buy it and resell after some work, knowing more about the domain you wish to purchase will help you a great deal. There are several tools that come in handy, when you are searching for good expired domains.

Google can be manipulated, albeit in the short term by so-called "black hat" techniques, so you should do a pagerank test. Try for pagerank fraud detection and domain analysis.....

The free tool at this site allows you to do a page rank test by checking the authenticity of a domain PageRank, while also providing much useful information about the website. All you have to do is enter a domain name and click check.

This free tool has the following features:

• It detects whether or not the PageRank is real or fake
• It checks the number of backlinks on all the major search engines
• It checks the Alexa ranking of the site
• The tool is completely free.

So What is Fake Page Rank?

Faking a page rank is a common search engine optimisation (SEO) trick you must be aware of when doing a variety of things, including buying an appealing domain and that's why you need to do a pagerank test.

The PR is faked simply, by using a 301 redirection, sending the domain to a higher ranked website. Here is an example. In order to fake a domain's PR I can use the redirect to point to and this redirect will be applied solely at the time when the Google bot makes a visit. The sinister part is that it doesn't occur when visited by normal surfers like you and me.

If in doubt, the remedy is to do a pagerank test at

Jack (John) Murphy is an Internet enthusiast - definitely not a guru - but keen to help others to succeed online. For more information regarding the pagerank test visit his website find pagerank and pick up the free first chapter of a new bestseller "PageRank 5 in 90 Days."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to Sell a Domain Or Website

So, you have a website or a domain you want to sell. Read this article and you will learn how to do it.

The first step in selling a website or a domain name is to check if the domain can be transferred. In certain circumstances, a domain can not be transferred for 60 days. To check whether a domain is available for transfer the best is to send an e-mail to your registrar (the company where you registered the domain).

Depending on the time you can invest in the sale you have two options to get started. The 1st one is to do it all by yourself and the 2nd one is to hire a domain name broker.

If you decide to sell it by yourself here is how to do it:

  • Search on Google for "webmasters forum" and see if the listed sites have a "buy, sell, trade" section for domains or web pages. If they do, create an account and put a message describing what you're selling. Potential customers will contact you for details.
  • List your site in as many places as possible, web directories, comments on forums or blogs, etc..
  • Depending on the available founds you can invest some money in advertising. For instance you can buy advertising on Google, the search engine itself and other sites where they sell advertising.

If you do not have the time to do all these by your self or you believe that an expert could get more on your domain, you can hire a domain broker. One of the most popular brokerage services and domains/websites auction websites is Registration is free. Sedo is the most popular site in selling/auctioning intellectual property.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Getting a Free Domain Name

In today's Internet scenario, every person wants to have his own web site. And when it comes to making a website, the first question that pops up in mind is what name one should give to the website. It is common tendency that the name should be short, simple and easy to remember. The site name or address is called a domain name. There are plenty of internet service providers out there who offer free domain services to its customers. You may be wondering how one can offer free domain names? But it is true. Some web companies do offer free domain name services for the promotion of their companies. The catch behind this is that they place a small add at the bottom of your site that has been hosted on the domain name service of theirs, to earn revenue.

There are subscription charges if you want to register for a free domain name on any web service provider on the internet. However, the subscription is one time only. That means, you only have to register once and you will get a domain for the rest of your life. The domain name is very different from domain hosting. Domain hosting is another thing. It is simply providing you a space on the internet where your website will be kept and fetched from, when a user requests it. The domain name is the URL address that a user types in his browser to reach to your site. The name servers resolve the free domain and then connect the request to the web hosting. The domain name you are looking for should be catchy enough for your users and easy to remember. No one remembers a long and meaningless domain name. So, the first and the foremost thing are to think of a small, simple and catchy domain name for you. The next thing includes researching and reading reviews of various domain providers on the internet. You should always do extensive research on how their services are, how their customer support is and what all kinds of services are included under the free domain name scheme of theirs.

There are many more ways by which you can get a good domain name for yourself. The first one is searching for a provider from the internet, registering for it and getting a free domain. The next best thing which you can do is to buy from an affiliate program of various domain service providers. Affiliates work on per commission basis. The last best thing that comes into consideration is to take a free domain name from a close friend or family member who is into the web design business. Normally, when a person takes a premium domain hosting plan from a company, he gets many free domains to give away as a company advertising policy. This leads to the free advertising of the parent company and services.

Abdul Salam is an expert affiliate marketer and also have great knowledge of internet business, domain names and web hosting. Find out more about best web hosting here on Read the reviews and user feedbacks about the best web hosting company.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Website Flipping

A person who tries to be a flipper of the website assumes that it is the easiest thing to be done. But the fact is such a person should have more patience, he needs to do lots of research and he needs good practice. You can never compel yourself to master certain skills just because you want to be a website flipper. You should be aware of all the happenings in the society.

What is the downside of the website flipping?

The main disadvantage of the web site flipping is that it is very much time consuming. You should have done so much research to know about the information and other details. It is time consuming process. You should know this fact that if it was an easy process there would have been a guide to this and you should not believe in some scams. You can obtain the best information in the forums and from business people. There will not be a ridiculous fee for this. The correct information does not come with guarantee of a shiny sports car or a 6 figure income. You must work hard during late nights too.

What are the mistakes that are commonly made?

When you make a virtual real style estate business, it is very exciting. It is very overwhelming and it is time consuming. First of all when you get in to the business of website flipping you should know how to start it out. If you understand the concepts, then you will love the business that you do. You will get good deals and then you will do great in the business. You have gain your own reputation, make your own methods and you can be in some key post in the industry. You can be a counselor to the people and give them good advice.

Be Prepared about certain things in Business:

If you are unprepared in some steps of the web site flipping you may have to face entire destruction of the business. To avoid this you need to have a solid foundation. You should survive in the business. If you start doing the home work and know what your target is along with the product and when you are knowledgeable, you can avoid failure. But we cannot tell that only attention and the preparation are the 2 of the biggest weapons. When you deal in a positive way with hard work and time you can achieve your target and make your success in the easiest way. You should just make your product in a different way. It should have some difference with the rest of the products. Just make your home work properly and become a good web site flipper.

For more information about flipping websites for fast profits, visit

Make Money With Easy to Flip Web Sites

The easiest way to make money in the internet is the flipping of the web site. All the internet marketers will definitely have experience in this area because it is related with making more profit. Marketers consider that buying and selling of these web sites makes good sense as there are many web sites which lack in some areas that are mastered by the marketers.

The fact is that web site flipping is not a good starting point. It is important to learn some basic concepts in the internet first. Any person will look for the profit when they flip the web sites but you should know that there are some low profit areas and you should understand the advertising side of the internet and this will add value to your questions in this site. This defines the understanding of the PPC campaigns and also optimization which means key word relevancy, copy writing and the press releases. It is important to know the basics of the internet because you should promote the web site and try to generate more traffic to your web site because the flipper should make sure that the traffic generated is good. This will make the buyers bid well on your web site.

Next area that is focused by people are the search engine optimization and to bring that site in to the first page of the search results. It means PPC will have many visitors while article marketing will have just a short - term effect when you link to the site. Some times you should build a back link to your site which will make you to improve your web site. Sometimes people will look into the sites where they are paid or they look in to the paid advertisements in a non - store front site. You can also out source to certain degree.

Next point is that you should need a address to revenue generation. This is the most important factor in the web site flipping which makes the buyers who are very concerned to look at the profit and in particular the return in the investment as well as the price per earnings. There are many techniques that should be used in the bump revenues. You can sell the advertisement space through programs. When you have a non - store front site you should see at the selling product or the affiliate marketing. This will generate more revenues and fewer expenses. You should look forward for the repeat visitors and make your web site appear in the first page of the list.

For more information about flipping websites for fast profits, visit

Invest in a Web Site Flip Business

Many of the online businesses needs a cash investment to begin which is same in the case of the site flipping too. Good news is that the business of the web site flipping makes you get your investment soon.

Manual for Site Flipping:

Many of the online businesses will need some investment to start and it has same site for flipping. There are some manuals available to guide you with the basics of the building and the selling of the web sites. There are some chances that the person who has written the book would have experienced the methods before they write. You could avoid some of the costly errors. This will help you in saving the money.


You should have a hosting account which will host your web sites. You have to choose from the couple of choices that are available. One is the unlimited account where you will gain ten dollars per month. The next choice will cost you around twenty five dollars. This has an advantage of offering your customers to make additional income and you will get the hosting fees.


You should buy a domain name before buying a web site. The names will has cost variation and the info name might cost about two dollars per year to ten dollars per year. To obtain the discounts you can search for the discounts such as GoDaddy coupon codes.

Listing Fees

When you are ready to sell your web site you should pay some listings to the list the sale site. This fee depends on the list site and on also the features that is used. You can use the features the bold, highlight also home page listings and they are expensive. You can go for eBay which is the basic has some of the basic listings.


Though you may find it hard to pay the investment when you are not sure about that money back, it is important to know that there are good chances to get good money through this.

For more information about flipping websites for fast profits, visit

The Difference Between SubDomains and Add-On Domain Names Basics

Let us assume that you have a very good domain name with you. Did you ever know that you could add and compliment another domain in addition to your existing domain name? These domain names are known by the names like sub domains or add-on domains. However, they are almost like slaves to the main domains and they at under the command of the main domain name. These domains are simply the sub directories designed and added to the main domain name at the time of hosting them. This is because they do not posses their own control panels. However, such domains will have their personal index files and CGI Bin folders to help them make unique and special for your web site.

Before you create one of these sub domains and ass-on domain names, you may wish to understand the main differences between them. In fact, the only thing that is common to them is that you can add them to your main domain. They are the additional domain names that can act as subordinate to the main domain name. With an add-on domain name, it will have its own stand-alone URL after its creation. On the other hand, a sub domain is a simple URL that creates a link to the mother domain name.

Example: Add-on domain: Sub domain: Another significant difference is the cost involved in creating these domains. Add-on domain always comes with a fee attached to it while sub domains are free and you can create as many sub domains as possible with your web-hosting package. You will need to pay an annual fee to register and use an add-on domain name. Add-on domains always share your resources from your existing web-hosting package. It means that you will get additional features from an add-on domain name just like your domain name. It will also possess its own FTP link and other related utilities.

Procedure to add an add-on domain name: Initially, search for a domain name and register when you find it. Once you buy that, you can link its DNS to your web-hosting server. Once you add it to the server, log on to your account and check for its listing in the control panel. Now, fill the name of the domain and install it in the main directory. Wait until you complete the installation process.

On the other hand, you can easily create a sub domain within the main domain name directory. Sub domains are very useful if you are planning to add more web pages within the parent directory. For example, if you want to add a blog to your web site, then you can create a sub domain like You can place a link on the main page of your web site and when a user clicks on the link, he or she will navigate to the blog page. Almost all web-hosting packages provide unlimited numbers of sub domains with the purchased hosting package.

John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.